What GeriaMed does?
Specializes in Rehabilitation & Recovery
Prevent/Pre-diagnosis complications after an acute illness
To regain original fitness level at shortest time possible
Maintain the quality of life
Professional Medical Team
Geriatric-trained Doctors
Staff Nurse with valid APC & Nurse Aids
Speech & Language Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Recovery Care
- Short-Term Stay with Best Recovery
- Therapists
- 24 hours Nursing Care
- 2 Sessions of Physiotherapies Daily*Suited to Individual Patient
- Comprehensive Equipments
- Specializes in Stroke Patients & Post-Operative Patients
- Tailor-Made Therapies
Benefits to Patient & Family
Bring Back Quality of Life - Regain Mobility and Independence
Early detection & prevent further complications
Short Stay + Better Recovery
Lesson Long-Term Physical, Emotional and Financial Burden
Our Services
Vitals Sign (BP/Pulse) checked by nurses at Every 4 Hours
Medication Serving
24 Hours Care
Nutritional Meals Serving
Therapist provide Active Sessions in the morning and afternoon